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The Daily Journal in Kankakee is looking for a reporter with a few years experience or one who wants to get a good education in reporting and writing for an evolving newsroom.
We are a newsroom — like every other — trying to move into the next era of news. At this point, we know that no matter what the platform, good reporting, good writing, good journalism still matters.
This job requires a good sense of how to uncover a story, an eye for finding the news important to a community and the ability to move quickly to satisfy our Web edition as well as our print paper. Working an afternoon shift, this person will be responsible for reporting on deadline for the front and feature sections and should be able to work well with various teams while making key news decisions.
The Daily Journal is a six-day a week newspaper that covers a six-county area, 60 miles south of Chicago.
Bachelor’s degree preferred, as well as 3-5 years professional experience.
Competitive salary and good benefits.
Introduce yourself to us in a cover letter and send resume and clips to:
Personnel Development Coordinator
The Daily Journal