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The Effingham Daily News in central Illinois has an immediate opening for a reporter to cover all aspects of local news. We want a newshound who understands why local journalism remains so important to a community. You'll write and photograph breaking news and features, explore issues related to local government and schools, and write magazine-style pieces for several niche publications. A journalism degree and some daily newspaper experience preferred, but we'll consider recent graduates who wrote for their college newspaper – or those with other relevant experience. Curiosity, honesty, drive and independence are the qualities we value most. Many of our award-winning reporters have moved on to larger newspapers. Email a cover letter, resume, references, story clips and photos to the editor, Jeff Long, at jeff.long@effinghamdailynews.com or send them to the editor's attention at: Effingham Daily News, 201 N. Banker St., Effingham, IL 62401. The Effingham Daily News, a CNHI newspaper, publishes four days per week in print and every day online. Applicants must have a clean driving record.

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