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Regional Editor

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EDITOR for a community newspaper in the Midwest. We are seeking a community-minded journalist looking to be a hands-on editor for a rural county in Indiana. Kankakee Valley Publishing is a family-owned, privately held multimedia company. We seek an experienced, existing writer/editor or a #2 looking to make a move up and prove their abilities. A journalism degree is desired but will consider others with appropriate work experience in newsroom applications. You will cover everything from local go...
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I am a former journalist who has been a college professor for the last 15 years. I would like to return to newspapers as editor or managing editor of a small daily or weekly, or owner of a small weekly, preferably in the Midwest or Great Plains.My undergraduate degree is in journalism from the University of Kansas. My journalism background still strongly shapes what I do and how I work. I am an associate professor of geography at the University of New Hampshire. I am highly respected in my field...
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Sports Writer

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The Breeze Courier in Taylorville, IL is seeking an energetic person who loves sports to fill an immediate opening in the newsroom .The ideal candidate has good writing skills, can meet strict deadlines, and work well with the public. Coverage includes all levels of local sporting events. The job goes beyond game coverage to include features, human interest stories and editorials.This sports writer's job is a full-time position, consisting of daytime hours, as well as night and weekend hours.Jou...
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